Creating the muscular physique you have always dreamed of requires you to train hard; but you also need to consider which nutrients you are putting into your body.
After all, you are what you eat and it can make a huge difference to the success of your bodybuilding efforts.
Testosterone boosters should be seen as an essential part of this diet; they can help to reduce fatigue, improve your sex drive and boost your muscle growth.
But, before you can start using them it is best to understand what is in them and how they work.
How Testosterone Boosting Ingredients Work

There are three main benefits associated with taking T-boosters:
#1 Increase Testosterone Naturally
A T-booster does not actually contain testosterone.
But it does encourage the brain to produce more testosterone through the natural processes of your body.
The ingredients in the supplement will trigger a natural response in your brain. It then sends out a signal to your testes to produce more testosterone.
#2 Ensure More Free Testosterone is Available
You will be aware that testosterone is often referred to as the male hormone.
The reason for this is its importance in boosting sex drive and even the quality and quantity of your sperm. However, testosterone which is destined to help your sexual energy attaches itself to another hormone; globulin.
Unfortunately, once these two hormones are attached your body cannot access the testosterone to improve muscle growth.
A good T-Booster will reduce the globulin count in your body; increasing the available free testosterone for strengthening and building your muscles.
It does this through the ingredients such as magnesium and nettle root.
Nettle root will bind with the sex hormone globulin (SHBG) while the magnesium will reduce the amount of SHBG in your blood stream.
The result is less SHBG for your testosterone to attach to and more free testosterone in your body.
#3 Reduce Estrogen Production
Estrogen is considered a woman’s hormone.
But, just as women have some of the male hormone, your body needs some of the female one.
But not too much! Estrogen is produced by transforming testosterone through a chemical process. This involves an enzyme called aromatase.
Fortunately the ingredients of a good test-booster can slow this process, reducing the loss of testosterone and the production of estrogen.
The Two Types of Natural T-Boosters

You may not realize it but there are actually two different types of T-Boosters. They both work to improve your testosterone levels; allowing you to increase your strength:
#1 The Testosterone Potentiator
This is the foundation of most test-boosters.
This supplement uses natural ingredients to encourage your body to produce more of its own testosterone than is currently available to you.
There are many products which fall into this category; the key to being a successful potentiator is in the ingredients; which we will discuss shortly.
#2 Anti-Estrogen
The alternative type is estrogen blockers.
These are not generally marketed as testosterone boosters; you will find them described as anti-estrogen or anti-aromatose supplements.
As you have already learned, testosterone is converted into estrogen by the aromatose enzyme; by restricting its function and quantity this supplement can increase the testosterone in your body.
It is worth noting that it is considered safe to combine these two types of T-boosters to increase your testosterone levels further.
Understanding the Process of Building Muscle
Protein synthesis is the process by which new cells are created and repaired. This is a vital part of repairing and growing all cells; including your muscles.
This process heals and enlarges the muscles and is generally completed within 48 hours; hence why you are recommended to work out specific muscle groups every other day.
In fact, muscle creation is a normal biological response to your strenuous exercise.
The harder you work your body the more strain you will put on the muscle fibers; quite simply if you lift more than your body can comfortably manage you will cause micro tears in your muscle fibers.
The more you workout the greater the number of micro tears you will create in your muscles.

While your body heals it will strengthen these muscle fibers by creating additional fibers.
These fibers will support the ones which have been torn and provide extra lifting power; enabling you to grow bigger and stronger.
You can make your muscle grow simply by pushing yourself to the limit each time you workout. But, you must remember that testosterone is essential to the cell regeneration process.
Testosterone does not just increase your body’s ability to repair and build muscles; it is also responsible for increased levels of growth hormone in your body.
Growth hormone combines with testosterone to rapidly increase the size of your muscles and speed your recovery after exercise.
The Key Ingredients in Testosterone Boosters

To fully appreciate whether a testosterone booster will be effective or not it is important to understand what the key ingredients are in a good booster and how they affect the body.
Not only will this highlight how your body is being affected by your supplements it will also show you that a quality test-booster is effective at boosting your male hormone levels and maximizing your potential muscle growth.
D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic acid has been shown to be clinically effective at boosting testosterone in men.
The body produces this non-essential amino acid by converting the enzyme aspartate reacemase.
Its presence is important as it tells the hypothalamus in your brain to release Luteinizing hormone (LH), effectively regulating the amount of luteinizing hormone in your body.
LH has been shown to stimulate the production of testosterone in your testes.
In fact, tests have shown that within just 12 days of taking 3 grams of DAA a day, men’s testosterone levels can rise by as high as 42%.
This amino acid is found in many food sources, such as cheese and meat and you body is capable of making it on its own; but a little boost offers fantastic results.
Vitamin D3
This vitamin is excellent at dissolving fat; making it an essential part of your diet for overall health.
By keeping your arteries and respiratory system clear it encourages blood flow; allowing your muscles to work harder. It also helps to boost your immune system.
But this is not D3’s only trick! It has been shown to increase your testosterone levels.
Research shows that 3,332 IU of vitamin D3 daily does improve your testosterone levels. The study included a control group which saw no significant increase.
This is one vitamin which must be in your T-Booster.
Even if you are not looking to build a muscular physique you should be including magnesium in your diet.
It is essential to the body for nerve function and to maximize muscle growth and strength.
It achieves this by helping to regulate blood sugar levels and, more importantly, it increases your body’s ability to undertake protein synthesis.
Zinc has long be known for its importance to the body; particularly male bodies.
This is because it assists your body in running smoothly and improves the effectiveness of your immune system.
In fact, research shows that zinc is able to preserve the levels of testosterone in your body.
Although zinc can be consumed through some foods, you will sweat it out when exercising hard; this is why you must ensure it is in your T-booster; it really will make a difference.
This Asian herb has been popular in their cooking and medicine for many years.
Its importance to men’s health has now been realized and you will now find it in many testosterone boosting products.
Fenugreek is bitter tasting, but packed full of anti-oxidants, vitamins and even folic acid.
Perhaps the most important content of this herb are the alkaloid compounds. These react with your body to reduce your blood sugar level.
Lower levels of blood sugar inhibit the growth of globulin in your body; effectively increasing the amount of free testosterone you have available to use.
Research confirms that Fenugreek reduces globulin and boosts testosterone; but it also improves the overall composition of your body.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris is another Eastern herb which has been used for centuries.
Its origins are in China and India; it has been an important part of their medical treatments.
The herb has been used by weightlifters since the 1970’s to boost testosterone levels and increase your lean muscle mass.
It is thought that this is because of the adaptogens and steroidal saponins which are present within it.
They will literally affect how your body works; stimulating your body to produce more of the essential hormones; such as testosterone.
Unfortunately there is limited research to confirm this data but many body builders and weightlifters swear by it.
It is worth noting that this herb should not be taken if you have a metabolic or hormone based illness; perhaps proving how powerful an effect this herb can have on your body.
Selecting The Right T-Booster

Understanding that a quality testosterone booster works by enhancing your body’s own systems and encourage it to produce more of the male hormone should illustrate why it is so important to choose a high quality booster.
Your test-booster should be certified by the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP); this will confirm that every product is produced to the same high standard and that high quality natural ingredients are used.
To reassure you regarding the quality of these products you will be pleased to know that the GMP is covered by FDA regulations; the ingredients are what they say they are.
You will also find that the best quality firms will provide you with a money back gaurantee; they are that confident in their own product!
Avoid Proprietary Blends

It is essential to understand what is meant by a proprietary blend and why you should avoid them.
A reputable testosterone booster will be registered with the FDA and you will be able to see all the ingredients which are included in the supplement; even the amount of each ingredient should be shown.
This is a legal requirement for any supplement; unless it is labeled a ‘proprietary blend’.
If you opt for a testosterone booster which is a proprietary blend then you will not find a complete list of ingredients; in effect you will not know what you are actually taking!
Even the ingredients which are displayed will not need to show the amount of them included in your supplement.
This means you could be taking a T-Booster which will do nothing to boost your testosterone levels!
Providing the product shows the term ‘proprietary blend’ it does not legally need to show the ingredient detail. You must avoid these products; it is essential to know what is being added to your body.

Natural testosterone boosters work with your body and do not replace your natural systems like steroids.
This is important as it improves overall body function and health.
You could be offered testosterone replacement therapy by your doctor but this does come with a list of side effects.
Naturally boosting your system through a T-booster does not give you these additional issues to concern yourself with.
Every ingredient in the test-booster will have a positive effect on your body, not just to increase testosterone and build muscle mass. The booster can actually be seen as an effective supplement to improve your overall health and lifestyle.
However, as stated, it is essential to know what is in your testosterone booster, make sure it contains clinically proven ingredients and avoid proprietary blends.
Proprietary blends do not disclose what you are really consuming; you should avoid these in favor of a non-proprietary blend where the quantity of every ingredient is fully displayed.
This will ensure you gain the benefit of the T-Booster and can build the body you want.
Find out for yourself the top 5 natural T-boosters currently available on the market right now.
These are the best choices if you want to...
- Build Muscle Quickly
- Rapid Strength & Size Increases
- Promote Fat Loss
- Increase Energy
- Enhance Sex Drive
Click Here to See the Full List!
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