You are probably aware that testosterone is an essential part of the human body.
It is produced naturally in men and women, although men have much higher quantities of it; this is why it is often referred to as the male hormone.
Its production influences a range of your everyday functions; including mood, muscle mass and your energy levels. Unfortunately, there has been a noticeable decline in levels of testosterone in modern men; it has dropped an amazing 22% in just 30 years.
The majority of studies undertaken to establish why testosterone levels are falling have concluded that the modern way of living is responsible. Processed foods, high stress levels and exposure to toxins are all to blame for the loss of your male hormone.
However, this does not mean that a decline in testosterone is inevitable or irreversible.
Discover what a Natural Testosterone Booster Is
Fortunately there are ways to combat these declines in testosterone levels.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to add a testosterone booster to your diet. It is worth noting that you need to pick your test boosting supplement carefully.
While the presence of Magnesium and Zinc is really important; the most important element of any test booster is that it contains D-Aspartic acid, at least 5000 IUs of vitamin D3 and the herb Ginseng. These are essential to achieve higher levels of testosterone in your body.
A natural testosterone booster is a supplement, like any vitamin pill. It does not, however, contain any testosterone. The ingredients mentioned above simply aid your body’s natural processes to produce more testosterone.
The fact that all the ingredients are natural and it uses your body’s natural processes is why T boosters are the safest way of increasing your testosterone levels.
As this supplement works with your body there are very few health risks or side effects associated with their use.
In contrast, steroids provide you with a synthesized testosterone which can be detrimental to your health; they do not encourage your body to produce more testosterone.[2]
In fact, steroids can be highly addictive and damaging to your body; especially if taken over a long period of time.
Who Should Be Taking Testosterone Boosters?
Anyone can take testosterone supplements; it is not just reserved for those seeking to build muscle. Although, it is highly effective at improving muscle and bone mass.
As lower testosterone levels appear to be a fact of aging, every man over 30 should consider taking them. It is particularly important if you display any of the symptoms of low testosterone:
- An inability to increase your muscle mass; even when you are training hard.
- Muscles starting to weaken but no obvious reason why.
- Lack of energy; even when you have not undertaken any physical activity
- Mood swings and regularly feeling depressed.
- Gaining fat extremely easily.
- Lack of interest in sex; this should be judged individually as everyone has a different sex drive. If you need it less than you used to then you are probably suffering from low testosterone.[3]
There are two points which must be recognized at this stage:
- Issues with gaining erections are often not connected to testosterone levels; there are many other causes of this.
- Testosterone boosters are legal and can be purchased over the counter or online.
Here Are 7 Impressive Benefits
Taking a testosterone booster will actually provide you with an impressive array of benefits; this is not just something that men working hard in the gym should take.
The following reasons should be enough to persuade you that it is time to start using T boosters:
#1 Healthy Heart
Your heart is important; it pumps oxygen and nutrients to every organ in your body.
Increased levels of testosterone will improve the number of red blood cells in your body; these are the ones which carry oxygen round your body.[4]
Improved oxygen levels do more than keep your organs healthy; they allow you to achieve more as your organs and muscles will be able to work more efficiently and for longer.
This applies to your heart as well; which is a muscle. Better blood flow reduces the risk of arterial clogging and the likelihood of strokes or heart disease.
Studies show older men with higher levels of testosterone are 24% less likely to have a heart attack.[5]
#2 Greater Strength
Testosterone is essential for building muscle.
It encourages the production of protein synthesis which allows your muscles to grow.
A natural testosterone booster will supplement your strength training exercises and encourage the muscle growth you demand.
This, in conjunction with improved bone mass will ensure you are stronger and faster; potentially fitter than you were in your 20’s.
It is important to note that it is not just your bones and muscles which become stronger; the tendons and ligaments supporting them will as well; through the body’s natural reaction to testosterone. This will improve your core strength and balance; making it less likely that you will suffer an injury.
#3 Improved Sex Drive
Men who have sex frequently generally have higher levels of testosterone.
This can lead to a desire to have sex more often. However, as testosterone levels naturally decline it is almost inevitable that your sex drive will diminish as you age.
To avoid this scenario you simply need to boost your hormone levels through using a T booster.
An additional benefit which has been linked to higher testosterone levels is elevated feelings of confidence; this can actually make you appear more attractive to the opposite sex; although the exact science behind this is not yet fully understood.[6]
Of course, the better your sex drive becomes the more often you will have sex and your testosterone levels are likely to increase naturally. It is a positive cycle.
#4 Better Cognitive Abilities
You will be interested and possibly relieved to know that testosterone boosters can actually help with your cognitive abilities.
This is your ability to remember things and apply logical reasoning when required; it also covers your awareness of the space around you.[7]
Higher levels of testosterone in your body are thought to help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s in later life. The reason for this is that testosterone increase the flow of oxygen round your body; keeping your brain healthier
This allows you to maintain your cognitive abilities; in fact, it has been shown that increased levels of testosterone can improve memory in men of all ages.
#5 Lower Levels of Fat
Higher levels of testosterone are connected with reduced levels of fat in your body.
There are three things to consider to understand the processes happening in the body that make this possible:
- The greater your fat stores the more estrogen you will produce; this is because the increase in fat cells tells your brain to produce more estrogen.
- Estrogen is produced by your body; it converts testosterone into estrogen!
- Estrogen encourages you to store fat; as a safety net against a variety of undesirable issues.
The problem is that this becomes a vicious circle; fat promotes estrogen, which promotes fat; while reducing levels of testosterone.
Fortunately, science also shows that increased levels of testosterone, combined with exercise can actually destroy the fat and reverse the cycle.
The reduction in body fat and maintaining a healthy balance of testosterone and estrogen; through testosterone boosters; will also ensure you are at a much lower risk of many chronic diseases.
#6 Positive Outlook
You may be surprised to find that using testosterone supplements can actually improve your mood!
There are two reasons why this is the case:
1) Low testosterone equates to depression
Research has shown that low levels of testosterone lead to depression, tiredness and irritability. It therefore is logical to deduce that high levels of testosterone will have the opposite effect; a positive approach to all things.
This is confirmed by scientific studies.[8]
2) Energy levels Increase
Testosterone boosters increase your reserves of energy and allow you to exercise harder. This is why they should be an essential part of your lifestyle after you hit 30.
Having more energy will allow you to tackle any issue with more confidence and vigor; boosting your mood further in the process.
#7 Natural
It can be argued that these positive effects are a result of any increase in testosterone.
However, a natural testosterone booster is exactly that; natural. It works in harmony with your body and encourages it to produce more testosterone.
It also does not have the side effects that synthetic testosterone supplements, such as steroids, have. This is a huge plus point as steroids can become addictive and some of the growth in muscle size is actually water retention. This quickly disappears when you stop the steroids.
Natural T boosters will improve your health, fitness and muscle growth without the dangerous side effects.
Yes you will rapidly increase the rate of muscle growth, but that isn’t the only benefit.
The right testosterone boosters can make a huge difference to your outlook, current health and future ability to fight infection. This, by itself, is a huge benefit.
However, as you can see, these are not the only benefit. Combating low testosterone levels is important if you wish to continue a healthy, happy lifestyle into your old age.
Choose the right natural test booster today and you will quickly notice and appreciate the benefits.
Find out for yourself the top 5 natural T-boosters currently available on the market right now.
These are the best choices if you want to...
- Build Muscle Quickly
- Rapid Strength & Size Increases
- Promote Fat Loss
- Increase Energy
- Enhance Sex Drive
Click Here to See the Full List!
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