Testosterone is one of the most important hormonal chemicals when it comes to the male physique, sex drive and everyday mood.
Without it, you would find yourself growing excessive breast tissue, fat would be stored mainly on the hips, thighs and rear, and your emotions would be leaning towards a more sensitive nature.
Commonly referred to as the “King of hormones” it allows boys to transform into men and helps you produce strength, muscle mass and all of the other features associated with being male.
Testosterone is mainly produced in the testes by the Leydig cells and is classed as an androgen. It’s what helps create typically male features.
What does Androgen and Anabolic mean?

Testosterone is both anabolic and androgenic.
Anabolic refers to the way in which proteins are broken down and metabolized.
The effects include the growth of muscle mass and strength and increasing bone density and strength.
Androgen refers to the development of male characteristics, such as a deepening of the voice, body hair growth and more defined facial features.
Generally, testosterone levels are at their highest from 05:30 – 08:00 am and then again at 18:30 – 22:00 pm.
For the majority of men, having a well built, toned and strong body is something that is seen as desirable. Without testosterone, building and maintaining large and strong muscles would be impossible.
Boosting testosterone can be achieved with a subcutaneous implant, injections, gels and transdermal patches which all work in different ways to increase the hormone levels via medication.
Women require a small quantity of testosterone, just as every man will require a small quantity of the predominantly female hormone “estrogen.” When there is a chemical imbalance between the two, it can change the way that the body develops and forms.

As an example, a male who has excessive amounts of estrogen and lower amounts of testosterone will experience swelling of the breast tissue (gynecomastia) fat accumulation in the lower abdominals, hips, thighs, chest and rear.
A lower level of testosterone will also slow down hair loss and reduce the amount of body hair.
For women who have more testosterone than they need, they will experience a deepening of the voice, excessive body hair growth, a more muscular physique and problems with the menstrual cycle.
These changes in the body help highlight just how important it is to maintain the correct levels of hormones to the correct gender; too much of the wrong one and it can have undesirable consequences for both the physique and health.
Effects of Testosterone on Your Mind

Testosterone influences the brain and helps control many of the major cognitive and behavioral aspects.
As teenagers, many males will experience drastic changes in mood, frustration and aggression.
These are a direct result of testosterone flooding the body and creating an increase of stress hormones leading to the anger, anxiety and aggression that follows.
It is also one of the main reasons why teenage males become aware of sexual desire and attraction. Testosterone increases the natural desire to procreate and varies drastically between men and women.
The average fully developed male has 230-1000 ng/dL of testosterone, while females have 28-80 ng/dL of testosterone.
While females are stimulated by the effects of estrogen, testosterone is also vital in the development of the body and maintaining normal functioning of the mood, bodily functions and energy levels.
Effects of Testosterone on Your Sex Life

A lack of testosterone can lead to a drastic reduction of libido in both men and women.
The effects are more noticeable in males and are one of the leading causes of impotence, lack of sexual impulses and urges and a reduction of vitality.
Causes of Low Testosterone Levels
There are many reasons as to why testosterone levels can decrease rapidly.
These can range from age to health related issues and the amount of reduction will vary depending on each male’s genetic makeup. The following are a list of some of the most common causes for low testosterone levels:
Calorie Intake: Too few or too many calories consumed can have a direct effect on testosterone levels. A certain amount of calories are needed in the production of testosterone, too few and not enough can be produced, too many and the body focuses on metabolizing instead of producing hormones.
Fat Intake: Most men need a mix of mono and saturated fats to optimize testosterone levels. If too little fat is consumed, the body cannot efficiently produce many of the body’s required hormones. The fat also helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins and minerals needed to produce testosterone.
Drug Use: Drug use can affect the brain’s capabilities of producing hormones and electronic signals that let the body know when a certain hormone level drops. Drugs are a leading cause of disturbed testosterone levels.
Sexual Activity: A healthy sex life helps stimulate the production of testosterone. Being the main sex hormone, the body produces and replenishes testosterone each time sexual activity takes place. This can be from foreplay, masturbation and full intercourse.
It is one of the reasons as to why masturbation is considered as beneficial both for testosterone production and helps keep the prostate healthy.
Stress/Anxiety: Stress and anxiety play a role in a reduction of testosterone and cortisol and increase stress hormones and adrenaline in place. This can lead to a cycle that is difficult to break as the more stressed a person becomes, the more adrenaline is produced and the less testosterone is made.
Obesity: Fat cells metabolize testosterone to estrogen thus lowering testosterone levels rapidly. Obesity also reduces levels of the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) which is a protein that carries testosterone through the blood.
Less SHBG means less testosterone. Losing weight through exercise can increase testosterone.
How to Increase Levels of Testosterone

There are many ways to increase testosterone quickly and safely from sexual activity, exercise and hormone supplementation.
Many professional body builders use injectable anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass and strength. While this does work, it can also be dangerous as the levels, quality and cutting liquids can be dubious at the best of times.

There are many products on the market such as testosterone boosters and supplements that help men quickly restore their levels of testosterone naturally by helping encourage the body to produce it in higher quantities.
Many of these contain essential vitamins, nutrients and amino acids which make the building blocks of testosterone and other vital hormones required in regulating the body.
TestoFuel: Testo Fuel is an extensively researched muscle booster that works by allowing rapid increases in the amount of testosterone in the body. It can lead to natural muscle growth, fat reduction, gains of strength and an increased feel good factor related to extra energy and vitality.
Containing D-Aspartic Acid, Vitamin D, and oyster extract. These provide the body with the most powerful building blocks needed for increasing testosterone levels naturally and safely.
Effective bodybuilding exercises and a high protein diet when combined with the testosterone boosting properties of TestoFuel will allow you to build a bigger, leaner and stronger physique.
Prime Male: Prime male promises to boost testosterone levels to those that you had up to 30 years ago. Not only is it capable of naturally boosting testosterone levels, it can also help maintain heart health, regulate blood glucose levels, increase energy levels and improve mood.
The Benefits of Naturally Boosting Your Testosterone Levels

Boosting testosterone naturally will always be a safer and cheaper alternative to boosting your levels by injecting steroids.
The body can naturally control the amount of testosterone produced when boosted using natural methods. Injection of anabolic steroids bypasses the body’s regulatory system, leading to dangerous levels of the hormone in the body.
Too much testosterone is equally as bad as not enough of it and can lead to many complications with the body’s and brain’s workings. Taking advantage of tablet and powder supplementation ensures that optimum testosterone is produced while remaining in safe levels.
Having perfect testosterone levels helps ensure that you can lead an active and healthy sex life without the worry of erectile dysfunction; maintains sexual desire and ensures that the prostate gland works to the best of its ability.
There are also the added benefits of a reduction in stress and anxiety issues and the proper regulation of mood. Of course, the main benefit that most men are looking for is an improved physique and correct distribution of body fat.
Having lean muscle mass helps reduce the percentage of body fat by naturally burning more calories per day. This helps lead to a more muscular and defined body.
Without testosterone, the body does not function at its best.
Too much and it can lead to anger issues, excessive body hair and balding.
Too little and you may find yourself lacking muscular definition, feminine fat distribution and an increase in emotional sensitivity.
Using a testosterone booster can help you to achieve your physical, emotional and sexual goals without running the risk of producing more than your body requires.
It is important to aim for a natural level rather than trying to produce too much testosterone.
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