Rating: | 1 StarPrice: $89.41 |
If you’re looking to be stronger, sharper and shredded then Alpha Force Testo promises you the answer.
But is it that simple? Can a T booster get the ingredients right and show the desired results every time?
Reports of the free trial scam from many users actually got my attention so I decided to review this product.
I will give you a full detailed run down on ingredients and then find out whether it is worth buying or not.
After a quick look at the nutrient profile it is already shaping up to be one that could do a lot better and certainly not an alpha leader.
Alpha Testo Force makes the following claims for this product:
- Boost Free Testosterone Levels
- Improved recovery times
- Increased muscle mass
- Decreased fat
- Better libido & performance
Great benefits of course, who wouldn’t want to experience all of those?
However the proof is in the science and the studies that back up the ingredients in the formula; so let’s take a closer look.
What are the ingredients and how do they work?

Ingredient Overview
A bad start here because it contains a proprietary blend. This means you don’t know if there are active doses for each nutrient.
However considering the entire blend is a tiny 197mg we can tell you most if not all of the nutrients are vastly overdosed meaning it won’t benefit you in any way.
Although there are some promising elements in this mix such as Zinc, Magnesium, Boron, Ginseng and Fenugreek this simply isn’t enough to be a top performing testosterone booster.
It’s great that they included Vitamin D3, but at just 80 IU compared to a clinical dose of 3000 IU it is practically useless here.
Next we come to the ineffective and unproven ingredients. In particular the discredited Tribulus Terretris should have been left out along with the ineffective Longjack.
To improve performance and perhaps make it more alpha force they could have added D-Aspartic Acid (DAA), more Vitamin D3 and perhaps some oyster extract.
Too many under dosed ingredients and ineffective ones makes this a poor performing nutrient profile.
Perhaps it would be better to call this product Beta Run!
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) (3mg)
You already know of vitamin C; it’s an effective antioxidant.
But you might be surprised to learn that it can also be a pro-oxidant.
There are several studies which show that vitamin C can boost the production of testosterone by protecting the leydig cells and regenerating testosterone molecules. This is completed because it is an electron donor.
However, research so far has been restricted to test tubes and animals; there are no studies on humans to confirm the T boosting effects of vit C.
Although a good supporting nutrient for overall health it is unnecessary in a T boosting supplement.
Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) (2µg)
This is also known as vitamin D3 and has been shown to be a powerful tool in boosting your testosterone production; although the dosage looks too small here.
Technically vitamin D3 is a hormone and we get most of it via direct sunlight where it is naturally absorbed through our skin.
People who spend most of their time indoors are likely to be deficient especially during the winter months when there is less daylight hours.
There have been numerous studies into vitamin D3 a lot of them focus on weight loss but the effects of this vitamin on T levels has also been noted.
There is overwhelming evidence to confirm that it is very effective at boosting T while additionally being good for your joint health.
Unfortunately this mix has just 2µg (80IU), the studies all used amounts in excess of 3,000IU to promote higher T levels.
There is nowhere near enough alpha to create the force you’re looking for, you won’t get much benefit for such a small dose.
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCI) (2.75mg)
Vitamin B6 plays an important part in maintaining your metabolism, liver function and even your nerve function.
But most significantly it encourages the production of androgens in your body. This has a direct effect on testosterone production; boosting it significantly.
It also can work directly on your brain to assist in regulating other hormones, such as estrogen.
As estrogen production is known to decrease T production, the lower your levels of estrogen the better. B6 can help you achieve this.
However again we have to question is this is enough to have a noticeable effect.
Vitamin B9 (as folic acid) (50µg)
You might have heard of folic acid; it’s one of the most important supplements a pregnant woman should be taking.
It is important as it helps your body to breakdown proteins, use them and even create new ones.
It is similar to B6 in that it helps with basic health functions such as the immune system, metabolism and energy.
Unfortunately there is no research that currently suggests this vitamin can help to boost your T levels, it’s just a supporting nutrient and not really needed here.
Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) (1µg)
Yet another B vitamin has been added to this mix. It’s starting to look more like a vitamin supplement than a T booster!
Again, studies have not drawn a conclusive link between B12 and testosterone increase. It does help to improve the production and development of your sperm but this is not the same as boosting T levels.
It has also been known to improve your energy levels which could help you to train harder and for longer.
Although it offers some benefits there are better options.
Magnesium (as magnesium citrate) (1.4%)
This is a much better choice and starts to return Alpha Force to the form you would expect.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that works by reducing the amount of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) in your blood.
SHBG binds to testosterone and strips it of its anabolic potency thus preventing it from being readily available for your body to use.
Anything that reduces SHBG like Magnesium is good for your levels of free testosterone!
Selenium (10µg)
This mineral is present in the soil and you will consume it through a variety of foods.
It is actually present in every cell of your body, making it a useful addition. Unfortunately, although a useful mineral to the body, there are no studies yet which show this can actually boost your T levels.
This is another ingredient which could have been left out.
Zinc (as monomethione) (7.5mg)
Zinc is one of the most important minerals for T production and it’s great to see it included in this formula.
In particular Zinc reacts with your brain to produce the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). This is the precursor to testosterone production and growth hormone.
Zinc is vital for this process so the more LH present you have in your system the more it will allow you to produce optimal levels of testosterone.
It’s a reasonable dose although a little more wouldn’t go amiss.
Boron (as citrate) (1µg)
Boron is actually produced in space as a combination of cosmic rays and supernovae!
It can also be found in foods like avocados, apricots and prunes.
Studies show that this mineral is capable of boosting your T levels while reducing estrogen. There are even suggestions that it can reduce your likelihood of prostate cancer but further research is still needed.
The recommended daily allowance is between 2.5mg and 6mg. Unfortunately the amount in this T booster is far less than the amount you would hope to find.
It’s a good addition but a little more would be better.
Proprietary Testosterone Blend (197mg)
Disappointingly some of the better ingredients appear inside a proprietary blend.
At just 197 mg for all ingredients means you won’t be getting active dose of any of the following ingredient more like a taste.
The key ingredients in the proprietary which should be useful are Panax Ginseng and Fenugreek.
Tongkat Ali
This is also known as Eurycoma Longifolia or Longjack.
It’s an herb which originates from Malaysia and is thought to be a good aphrodisiac.
Unfortunately there is a limited amount of research associated with it to show that it works as a T booster.
Studies that have been conducted suggest that this can be effective for stressed men and elderly people.
However, there are not yet any studies that suggest the same effect on healthy men. Positive results have been shown but only in rats.
These results have not been duplicated in humans.
It could be a useful libido booster but it’s difficult to say this will boost your T levels.
Saw Palmetto
This plant grows at low levels in Florida.
It resembles a small palm tree. The berries from this plant have been used in traditional medicine by Native Americans to treat urinary tract issues.
Unfortunately there are no indications that saw palmetto has any effect on your testosterone levels.
This doesn’t mean it is a completely a wasted addition. It has been shown to be beneficial to prostate health and prevent the enlargement of the prostate.
Panax Ginseng (root)
This has been shown to help regulate your blood sugar levels.
High blood sugar levels will result in your body releasing insulin. The greater the amount of insulin in your body the less opportunity your body will have to produce testosterone.
Panax ginseng helps lower your insulin levels allowing you to produce more testosterone.
Studies also suggest that this plant can increase your levels of nitric oxide. This will boost your blood flow.
The result will be more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles allowing you to work out for longer. You’ll also notice an improvement with your erections and sex drive.
A worthwhile addition if they used 100mg but this is doubtful in this blend!
This is an amino acid which is thought to boost the level of nitric oxide in your body.
This expands your blood vessels improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. It will allow you to work out for longer but won’t directly boost T levels.
Unfortunately research shows that this mineral cannot easily be absorbed by your body when taken orally. This means it’s not actually a great addition.
You might have come across this in energy drinks as it is thought to boost absorption rates. However there is limited research to confirm this effect.
Taurine is already present in your bile and large intestine. Including this in a T booster may speed up the rate at which you absorb the other ingredients but that is all it will do.
In short, it won’t boost your T levels and there is little point in absorbing the minerals faster when you are only getting one serving a day; the effects still won’t last!
This also works on your blood sugar levels; in much the same way as ginseng.
Of course, it depends on how much you’re getting. That’s the real problem with this proprietary blend; you don’t know if there is enough of any of these substances to be effective.
This is a good option as it allows your body to create more testosterone, assuming there is enough of it to have any effect.
100mg would be considered a good active dose, which is highly unlikely here.
Usually found in krill or salmon this the reddish pigment is used for treating high cholesterol and treating conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
There is no evidence to suggest it actually works and it definitely does not promote testosterone.
Tribulus Terrestris
This is a definite no and a good reason to question the entire formula.
Tribulus was a popular addition to many T boosters but this was built on a few questionable studies. More recent research has shown that this is not an effective method of boosting T levels.
The research which does point at increases in T levels has been completed in rats and other animals; there are no human studies to support the results.
It’s possible that it will boost your libido but that’s the only benefit and it’s not a worthwhile addition to this mix.
How do I take it?
Take 1 serving a day (2 capsules) with food. One bottle contains enough for 30 days.
Although convenient just one daily dose is a poor serving schedule. It is simply not possible to sustain your T levels around the clock by taking one serving in a 24 hour period.
After a few hours the nutrients will have been used up or flushed out of your system. To be effective it needs to be 3 or 4 servings a day.
This way your body is supplied with nutrients every few hours allowing optimal T boosting and therefore giving you maximum results in quicker time.
Are there any Side Effects?
The ingredients in this T booster are all natural and there is no reason to believe that any of them will give you issues with side effects.
Don’t worry about any over dosed nutrients either as most are considerably under dosed, this is a safe product albeit ineffective product.
Of course, if you do notice any issues you should stop taking the capsules immediately. If necessary consult a medical professional.
- Some Good Ingredients
It’s encouraging to see the presence of proven minerals Magnesium & Zinc; in fact you should find both of these in any half decent T booster.Fenugreek, Ginseng and Boron are also good nutrients. However it is highly unlikely that either of the herbs Fenugreek or Ginseng use active doses and therefore useless here.
- Proprietary Blend
You are trying to build muscle and shed the fat.Not knowing what you are putting into your body is not going to help you achieve your goal. This is why proprietary blends are so bad, you have no idea how much of each thing you’re getting.
In this particular case the proprietary blend is so small there is no way that all 8 nutrients use clinical dosages.
You will not get any real benefit from this blend, it is a waste of your money.
- Key Ingredients Missing
Although there are some good ingredients there really is enough to be highly effective.You would expect to find D-Aspartic Acid in a top performing formula, this would have gone a long way to improving the performance of this product.
- Some Ineffective Ingredients
Not all of the nutrients in this supplement will effectively promote testosterone.Notably Tribulus and LongJack have never been proven in human studies.
- Under Dosed Nutrients
Although the best vitamin for increased T production, Vitamin D3 is significantly under dosed here.80 IU is not make any difference here compared to the clinically proven dose of 3000 IU. It leaves me questioning where they completed their research.
As already mentioned all 8 nutrients in the proprietary blend are under dosed as far as we can see.
- Poor Serving Schedule
Taking one serving a day is simply not effective for maximal testosterone growth.Your T levels will rise for a few hours and then gradually taper off. You need 3 or 4 servings per day to boost and sustain your T levels over a 24 hour period.
- Expensive
It costs $89.41 per bottle on the official website and $4.95 for delivery.In total you are paying $94.36 which is absolutely outrageous considering how ineffective the formula actually is.
We did find it on Amazon for a much cheaper $29.97 but even then we don’t think it is worth the price.
- Free Trial Scam
On the official Alpha Force Testo website they are offering a free 18 day trial. Sounds good right?Unfortunately a lot of users have been burnt by this offer will credit card bills running into the hundreds of dollars without them realizing.
Many that have tried to contact the company have had difficulty doing so and therefore have had trouble cancelling the recurring billing of $94.36 every 30 days!
Initially the offer will actually cost you just $4.95 to cover postage. You’ll get full bottle to trial for 18 days (including shipping time this is more like 14 days which is where many get caught out).
After which you’ll be charged an additional $89.41 unless you cancel and return the bottle (empty or not) within that time period.
You are also put on their “VIP auto-ship program” which means they send you a bottle every 30 days and charge you $94.36.
I take a very dim view of this kind of deal. It is ultimately setup to catch customers out and many fall for it.
What is more disturbing is that many users are unable to contact the company to cancel the recurring billing.
So buyer beware do not buy from their website
What are people saying about Alpha Force Testo?
There don’t appear to be any reviews on their website although there is plenty of information regarding their product range.
This leaves us with the standard customer channels and a very mixed bag of reviews.
Amazon has just 2 customer review which are split between 5 stars and 1 star.
But the 5 star reviews simply say “great customer service!” Considering the issues with the free trial and what this product is supposed to do it seems fair to assume that this is not a genuine comment.
The 1 star review states it is just an expensive multivitamin and we couldn’t agree more.
Interestingly their old product page with 75+ positive reviews has been removed by Amazon and after some research concluded this was presumably for fake reviews.
It’s fair to say that this is not a great supporting act for this less than alpha product.
Final Thoughts
I find it hard to imagine a worse product than this one.
An overpriced multivitamin with a highly ineffective formula for raising testosterone; forget Alpha Force this most definitely Beta Force.
Then you factor in the underhand tricks the company play to get customers on a recurring credit card bill for $95.
I don’t think you even need us to tell you to stay well clear of this product.
Bottom Line
Our Rating:
1 StarIt contains only a handful of effective ingredients. Most of these are under dosed and will therefore not benefit you in any way.
It’s certainly not the worst formula I have reviewed but taking it into consideration the price and free trial scam it is entering our hall of shame.
Please do your research, this formula will do absolutely nothing for you except lighten your wallet.
There are so many better options available that will give you optimal testosterone levels and give you maximal benefits.
Find out for yourself the top 5 natural T-boosters currently available on the market right now.
These are the best choices if you want to...
- Build Muscle Quickly
- Rapid Strength & Size Increases
- Promote Fat Loss
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Click Here to See the Full List!
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