Natural remedies have been used for thousands of years in many parts of the world.
Despite the fact that 80% of some Asian and African countries still rely on these traditional methods the West often seems much eager to use synthesized cures.[1]
Of course, there is a place for these, but where possible it is more beneficial to the body to use a natural solution as it is less likely to have harmful side effects.
Fengreek is one that become of increasing interest, particularly to men in the western world, as it can improve your testosterone levels.
This, of course, will help you to develop additional strength and build muscles faster and more effectively.
The relationship between fenugreek and testosterone is completely naturally; it simply encourages the body to improve your testosterone levels.
Discover What Fenugreek Is

Fenugreek is a herb; it can be added to a variety of meals and is especially popular in the Middle East; this is largely because it originates from India and North Africa. Surprisingly it is actually part of the legume family!
The leaves of this herb can be used as an herb while the seed is generally used as a spice. What is interesting is that the make-up of these two parts of the plant are different.
The leaves are 89% water with just 6% carbohydrates and 4% protein.
In contrast the seeds are a very rich source of protein and 100g of them can give you 46% of your daily fibre needs as well as 98% of B vitamins and more than the daily requirement of iron.[2]
Perhaps more importantly the seeds have a significant amount of zinc, magnesium and an array of other minerals.
Because fenugreek is high in fibre it can assist you in weight loss by slowing the process of food through your intestine and keeping you feeling full for longer.
For this reason you will see it in many weight loss supplements. These have been shown to provide a large range of benefits to men across the world.
The Benefits of Fenugreek
Numerous clinical trials have shown Fenugreek can give you the following benefits:
- Boosts Testosterone
- Increases Libido
- Helps Cut Fat
- Promotes Free Testosterone
Although there are numerous benefits associated with this herb, the predominant benefit appears to be as an anti-oxidant and a natural means of boosting testosterone.
In the course of achieving this fenugreek has been linked with higher libido and a reduction in fats within your body; both positive features for men as they age.
A double blind placebo survey conducted by the University of Queensland concluded that a daily supplement of fenugreek can enhance male libido and restore testosterone levels.[3]
Fenugreek has also been linked with the relief of heartburn if taken before eating; it has been shown to be as effective as any over the counter remedy.
How Fenugreek Affects Testosterone Levels
The make-up of fenugreek enables it to naturally inhibit the production of aromatase and 5a-reductase in your body.
These two enzymes are produced naturally by your body and oversee the breakdown of testosterone in your body.
They do this by converting testosterone into estrogen; the woman’s hormone.
Although you need some of this in your body, excessive amounts cause belly fat build up and, of course, reduce the level of testosterone present.
Fenugreek inhibits these hormones, preventing them from turning testosterone into estrogen; effectively increasing the amount of testosterone in your body and reducing the build up of fat![4]
But this is not the only way in which fenugreek affects your testosterone levels. The herb has a compound known as protodioscin.
This is also found in DEA and helps to increase the levels of dihydrotesterone in your body. It also has a direct affect on the production of testosterone; increasing the level of male hormone in your body.
These facts are borne out by a study held over several weeks where participants were given 500mg of fenugreek every day.
At the end of the study all of the subjects had higher levels of testosterone and lower levels of body fat.
Testosterone levels are also affected by the ability of fenugreek to assist in regulating your blood sugar levels. In the process of regulating your blood sugar levels your body will need to produce less insulin.
A positive side effect of low insulin levels is the reduction of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). SHBG is known to bind to free testosterone in your body which prevents your body from being able to use it.[5]
By reducing the amount of SHBG in your body you will increase the amount of testosterone.
Learn About How Fenugreek Can Help You Build Lean Muscle

Fenugreek has been shown to improve the take up of creatine by your body.
This substance is essential when building muscle as it allows you to train harder, more often and see better results. This is because it provides a direct hit of good energy to your body.
This makes it an excellent supplement to take before an exercise routine; particularly a HIIT or bodybuilding session. The creatine will allow you to lift more than normal by giving you extra energy.
But, more importantly, the additional creatine in your body will encourage protein synthesis; allowing your muscles to heal and grow faster than they would do by themselves.
The fact that it allows more water into these cells also helps to improve your lean muscle mass.
Research by Wilburn & Co workers was conducted on 30 athletes. Every athlete was given 500mg of fenugreek a day for 8 weeks.
At the end of this they all had increased lean muscle mass, better muscle strength and a reduction in their body fat.[6]
It is worth noting that fenugreek will help you decrease your body fat, increasing your lean muscle will still require physical exercise; and the addition of creatine to your diet.
Libido and Fenugreek – Know The Facts
One study, used 50 men and gave some of them 500mg of fenugreek every day for 12 weeks.
At the end of this time those who had been taking the fenugreek had a marked improvement in sexual function and drive.[7]
It is believed that the plant compound protodioscin is responsible.
It increases the number of androgen receptors in your cells which improves your libido and can also have a positive effect on muscle mass.
Side Effects Associated with Fenugreek
Research into fenugreek is ongoing and for this reason it is best to exercise some caution when taking this supplement in very high quantities.
The majority of clinical studies and research programs have used 500mg of fenugreek and this appears to be a safe level.
Of course, common sense is the best approach when starting to take this supplement. Start with smaller doses and gradually increase them.
This will allow your body to adjust and you to notice any negative effects.
If you do experience negative effects reduce your dose and consult a medical professional. In high doses fenugreek is known to cause diarrhea, bloating and even a painful stomach.
It is also important to be aware that fenugreek has been linked with lowering blood pressure; if you already have low blood pressure then you should proceed with caution.
You should also be aware that a survey has confirmed that that fenugreek has no discernable effect on the make-up of your testes or their function.[8]
Sources of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is exceptionally popular in many Asian and Indian dishes. Unfortunately, unless you eat them a lot this will not be beneficial to you.
This is not an advocate to start eating more curries; they are generally full of sugars and fats which are not so good for your body.
Although it is possible to boil the fenugreek seeds to make tea or even eat them within your salads the best way to absorb fenugreek into your body on a regular basis is to take a supplement with it in.
T-Boosters are a good option in this regard as they will also provide valuable minerals designed to assist with boosting your testosterone levels.
A good testosterone booster will have fenugreek, D-Aspartic acid and a range of vitamins and minerals. This will help with overall health as well as gaining lean muscle and improving your testosterone levels.
All the studies so far have shown a positive link between fenugreek and improved levels of testosterone.
The fact that this is not the only benefit of taking a fenugreek supplement makes this one ingredient you should be looking to include in your diet.
Further research is essential to discover exactly how fenugreek reacts with the body so favourable and this will improve the understanding and use of this herb.
As with any supplement or change to your diet, it is important to be aware that fenugreek will affect everyone differently.
You need to understand the benefits and side effects before deciding to start taking this supplement and you should stick to no more than the 500mg recommended daily amount.
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[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_medicine
[2] http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/spices-and-herbs/189/2
[4] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21312304
[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3626401/#S3title
[6] http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/ijesab/vol2/iss1/21/
[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5278660/
[8] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20878698
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